viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

A song

Tejedores de ilusión, La Ley.

Hello bloggers, today I’d like to a classic song in my mp3, “tejedores de ilusión” of Chilean group La Ley. I listen to La Ley approximately a 10 or 12 years ago, and this song is a classic for me. This Chilean group began in ending decade of 80’, “Beto Cuevas” is them more characteristic artist (vocalist), and his partners  Pedro Frugone and Mauricio Claveira. They do to music rock, and are the principals chilean groups.
About this song, I love because has a very good rhythm, I believe that the drum with the electric guitars hearing  great, and the lyrics –in the choir- combined very good. I feel with this song because motivates me imagine to play a guitar, or drum in front of me. It’s very special song. Moreover the chorus “un nuevo día vendrá, y cantaremos” I believe is more energizing and optimistic.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

My last math teacher


Today I would like you to write about my last math teacher, Jorge. This teacher was very funny in class, teach the algebra, geometric, but anything went with joke, points and challenger for our school year. He ever told us “senador”, and I never knew why, but it was funny.

I remember to my teacher Jorge, which ever told us story about political, sects and mason, and all our class listened many thoughtful. His stories were very interesting and very funny. For example, one time he told us about the relation between the Allende and the Pinochet before of the “Golpe de estado” in Chile, principally his relation with mason and sects. I believe that was big stories that I never forget.

I liked this teacher his good class, ever had many thematic for get the attention of my classmates. And, he gives us point if we answer fast or we resolution a difficult problem.

I don´t saw bad qualities in he who teacher, because ever was many responsible, punctual, and attentive. I believe the qualities that I ever valued of he, was his good mood.

Actually, sometimes we speak, when I send an email, or when I go to visit in the school.