viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Books and worlds

Books and worlds
Hi Bloggers!
Today I’d like you write about a few books and things for read interesting for me. The first, I like read anything, but only when I have free time for enjoy the reading, because in the university I have many books and papers for study, and this is very stressful. But in my free time I can read anything, for example, newspaper, books, blog, look over news in internet, magazine, etc.
Actually, I reading a couple things, for my thesis (academic text), others because are enjoy, and other for learning. For example, in my thesis I read about conflict theory, and I have a big collection of papers in this thematic, but in my free time I began to read a book about the “Santo grail” of Graham Hancock, an interesting historic compilation about Chistian, Judaism and Catholic mystery.
I read this things because I thinks are very interesting, principally the discussion about this thematic. I am very curious and ever need search more things for learning.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Special talent

A special talent

Hi bloggers

Today I’d like about a special talent… but I don’t know if I have a special talent, but I sure that something are more easy for me, for example working with figures in 3D, like as statuette, sculpt, cubes, mockup and even for repairs/modify furniture. This ability consists in look a form in 3D, pay attention on details, and I can assemble or dissemble to my wishes. For example, I remember the last time I dissemble to 100% mi Iphone because its display was defective, and I change for a new display. It was flawless.

I don’t use this ability for special things and nothing similar, because usually I don´t have time for this, but when I’m free in home, I repair anything that have in front: furniture, bicycles, pipeline, and sometime I like woodcarving. It’s great for me. Only my mother know about this talent, for this always ask me if can help with problems in home. I don’t know how or when acquire this ability, only remember that when I was a child that I can all this things.

Ok, that all for today.
Greeting guys!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Debate team

Today I’d like to write about a group activity that I had approximately two years ago, this activity is the debate. The debate consist in a discussion about someone thematic in specific, in preference of the actuality or very polemics, in that dos persons or dos groups assume a one stance -or premise- different and began a discussion about one problem.  For example, the classic debates are about the existence, religion, politic decision, economy, etc.

I was participating of debate (and forum) still today, but I participated in a debate team until two years ago, for a long time. In the secondary school I was part of a team in the competence municipal, and the university I take part in the team in ours ‘study home’. In the team my principal role was think about strategic of the argument, and once in a while I had to present (introduction) the argument of the team in a competence.

I remember many good stories with my friends of team. Believe that a very good age in my life, we can travel, know many people, learning many things about the politics, discussion in general, and about people in other regions and other universities. The competence always has been this interesting thing.

Unfortunately, I can’t continuous in the university team for time scarcity, but above everything all this learning will remain forever :)