viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Books and worlds

Books and worlds
Hi Bloggers!
Today I’d like you write about a few books and things for read interesting for me. The first, I like read anything, but only when I have free time for enjoy the reading, because in the university I have many books and papers for study, and this is very stressful. But in my free time I can read anything, for example, newspaper, books, blog, look over news in internet, magazine, etc.
Actually, I reading a couple things, for my thesis (academic text), others because are enjoy, and other for learning. For example, in my thesis I read about conflict theory, and I have a big collection of papers in this thematic, but in my free time I began to read a book about the “Santo grail” of Graham Hancock, an interesting historic compilation about Chistian, Judaism and Catholic mystery.
I read this things because I thinks are very interesting, principally the discussion about this thematic. I am very curious and ever need search more things for learning.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Special talent

A special talent

Hi bloggers

Today I’d like about a special talent… but I don’t know if I have a special talent, but I sure that something are more easy for me, for example working with figures in 3D, like as statuette, sculpt, cubes, mockup and even for repairs/modify furniture. This ability consists in look a form in 3D, pay attention on details, and I can assemble or dissemble to my wishes. For example, I remember the last time I dissemble to 100% mi Iphone because its display was defective, and I change for a new display. It was flawless.

I don’t use this ability for special things and nothing similar, because usually I don´t have time for this, but when I’m free in home, I repair anything that have in front: furniture, bicycles, pipeline, and sometime I like woodcarving. It’s great for me. Only my mother know about this talent, for this always ask me if can help with problems in home. I don’t know how or when acquire this ability, only remember that when I was a child that I can all this things.

Ok, that all for today.
Greeting guys!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Debate team

Today I’d like to write about a group activity that I had approximately two years ago, this activity is the debate. The debate consist in a discussion about someone thematic in specific, in preference of the actuality or very polemics, in that dos persons or dos groups assume a one stance -or premise- different and began a discussion about one problem.  For example, the classic debates are about the existence, religion, politic decision, economy, etc.

I was participating of debate (and forum) still today, but I participated in a debate team until two years ago, for a long time. In the secondary school I was part of a team in the competence municipal, and the university I take part in the team in ours ‘study home’. In the team my principal role was think about strategic of the argument, and once in a while I had to present (introduction) the argument of the team in a competence.

I remember many good stories with my friends of team. Believe that a very good age in my life, we can travel, know many people, learning many things about the politics, discussion in general, and about people in other regions and other universities. The competence always has been this interesting thing.

Unfortunately, I can’t continuous in the university team for time scarcity, but above everything all this learning will remain forever :)

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

A song

Tejedores de ilusión, La Ley.

Hello bloggers, today I’d like to a classic song in my mp3, “tejedores de ilusión” of Chilean group La Ley. I listen to La Ley approximately a 10 or 12 years ago, and this song is a classic for me. This Chilean group began in ending decade of 80’, “Beto Cuevas” is them more characteristic artist (vocalist), and his partners  Pedro Frugone and Mauricio Claveira. They do to music rock, and are the principals chilean groups.
About this song, I love because has a very good rhythm, I believe that the drum with the electric guitars hearing  great, and the lyrics –in the choir- combined very good. I feel with this song because motivates me imagine to play a guitar, or drum in front of me. It’s very special song. Moreover the chorus “un nuevo día vendrá, y cantaremos” I believe is more energizing and optimistic.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

My last math teacher


Today I would like you to write about my last math teacher, Jorge. This teacher was very funny in class, teach the algebra, geometric, but anything went with joke, points and challenger for our school year. He ever told us “senador”, and I never knew why, but it was funny.

I remember to my teacher Jorge, which ever told us story about political, sects and mason, and all our class listened many thoughtful. His stories were very interesting and very funny. For example, one time he told us about the relation between the Allende and the Pinochet before of the “Golpe de estado” in Chile, principally his relation with mason and sects. I believe that was big stories that I never forget.

I liked this teacher his good class, ever had many thematic for get the attention of my classmates. And, he gives us point if we answer fast or we resolution a difficult problem.

I don´t saw bad qualities in he who teacher, because ever was many responsible, punctual, and attentive. I believe the qualities that I ever valued of he, was his good mood.

Actually, sometimes we speak, when I send an email, or when I go to visit in the school.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Family meal

Hi Blogheads:

Today I'm going to tell you about the first family meal that I remember. I was three or four years old, and remember that the family meal was with my mother family. This day, were there my uncles Claudio and Victor (with his wife), my cousin Seba, Adolfo, Ceci and Angelica, my grandfather “Tata”, my grandmother “Vela”, and obviously my sister, mother and me.

Us were in grandmother house, always we meet in the Sunday there are because this was the occasion for reserved share and meal with the “big” family. Every Sunday we meet for laugh, to tell history, to tell joke, share, etc.

This day, I remember that with my cousin Seba and Adolfo we played videogames almost all time. In this times only exist the video game in two dimensions, for consoles likes as super nintendo, sega, etc. Although its graphic was very ugly, for we were very funny. Also remember, we my cousin dancing for the family, and we played with “water bomb”, throwing any place and any people. We were a little naughty.

Like as all Sundays, this day was great.  

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

My cat

 Hi Blogheads,

In my first post on semester, I’d like to you about my cat “Ñemu” because is de most wonderful cat around the world… for me. It’s a green cat with black spot, very hyperactive, it meow very much and stronger, and someday it relax and sleep all day in the garden. It like see the plant, run on the roof, and the best, it don’t like catch animals, no birds, no mouse, because is a lazy and don’t like the meet. Actually it has 5 years old.

 I remember that the first day when it went to my house. Ñemu was a very small cat, it had less than 2 month when I knew. That day, I rescue this cat against a children group that threw stones. I took it, and went it to my house. I gave food it, because the cat had many hungry. And finally I choose keep him in my house.

Actually, whenever I see it, I say it name and it run whit “meow” for me. We are very good friends.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

My crazy uncle

Good morning guys!

Today I’d like you to write about my favorite uncle “Victor Hugo”. He is the brother of my mother. Victor Hugo is a crazy man and the best person, he likes the rock, travel, dream, the politic, the good beer, and many other things. With my uncle speaking much and we have a good time. I remember the last time whit he, we speaking to 3-4 am.

He works all week in printing company, and he save the weekend for his family. He has a three son and all are old (on top over twenty years old) and professional.  

I like of my uncle his liberty for live. He has his heart for ever in the rock, and he will be a young person. Is a very funny, his histories are the best (including a motorcycle story), and the suspense with he tell it.

With my uncle we get along very good, and I wait carries on for much time. Probably the next time, we meet to watch a good match in tv, or we meet to drink a good beer. After all, this is the best that we know do.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

My first day in the school

Good morning bloggers !
Today I’d like to write mi first day in the school. I don’t remember very good, but I know that a great day. My first day was twenty years ago, when I have a little child. In this day, the first image in mi mind, is when I with my mother walking to the school in the morning and I was very happy.
I don’t remember many things, for example -of my classmate- only remember one or two, I believe that the name of one theirs were “Rudi”. And my teacher’s name was “Tía Carmen”. She was very angry and ugly (hahaha), but she taught very good, and I can learnt many things with her.
The first day, I don’t know what learnt, only remember that I played with my classmate, and we drew in some paint books.
Finally, in mi school first day, I was very happy because I wanted go to class in that day, and amused much. When I left class, my mother wait for me in the school door. I tell her about my day, and we went to my home.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

A country

Hello classmates!!

Today I would like you to write about a country very very interesting for me, Italy, in Europe. This country was a very important cultural and economic center for occident for hundreds of years, in consequence, development many architectural complex and beautiful edifice.
I would like to visit Italy because this country has a big and important building, and many touristic centers. Also, Italy has much history, and its people are very funny and spontaneous. Finally, also I like to visit because has a good food, principally its pizzas and “pastas”.
A few important places that I would like to visit, for example, the Torre Pisa, Venetia, and the Coliseum Romano.
The Torre Pisa is a big and important towel, that characterize because this is sloping for hundreds years, is very tall and beautiful. Venetia is an important city with many water in its streets, this because Venetia is an island that years ago years, it was sinking.

Finally, I want eat italian food, because i love the Pastas and pizzas.
That all for today, see you!

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Nice day :)

Today I’d like you to tell about my first day in Conguillio, in the Araucanía. I went with my friends Javier and Hector. I remember that we go from Santiago to Araucanía in the dawning, at 3.00 am o’clock, because we knew that is a long journey. We travel in the Hector car, the last February.

This day was very crazy. In Santiago we have a good climate, but in the way this change. After of travel 8-9 hours, the air it was cold and also it rained. In the morning, we arrive to Victoria, a little city before Conguillio. We bought much food for the next way, and we continue the travel. After 2 hours, we arrive to Conguillio.

This day was many important for me, and very long. The most entertainment was the way, many beautiful places, many city, different climate, and the possibility of know and see all this in only one day.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Classic songs

Hi, today I'd like to write about a classic song for me, “aerodynamic” by the musical group “Daft Punk”. The first time when I heard this song, was a few months after it is release, in the year 2001, when I was children. This song is a guitar solo, and combines many musical style: electro, heavy metal, rock and classic. It’s a very beautiful song and a classic, I like because is more relaxing, and because is very interesting for study anything.  

A second song that I present to you is other classic, that I remember this week. This song was called “Macondo” and was created for the group “Sexual Democracia”,  in honor at the principal city that appear in the book “Cien años de soledad” by Gabriel García Márquez, because this song and is based in history of this book.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Puerto Montt Bay


This photo is my favorite. It was taken in the last summer, in my vacations in the south. This beautiful place is Angelmó, in Puerto Montt, Chilean south. You can arrive there walking to principal coast, and in the final way, your find the “Mercado de Angelmó”, and you can see this Bay. In front, you will see the Tenglo Island and this beach. In this photo appear the Tenglo Island, from Angelmó Bay.

I go to Puerto Montt approximately one or two turn on year, because I love this place and I like very much. This year I go in February, when I took this photo. I remember in this day, I go to walk for the coast, and in my launch I go to eat in Angelmó and I took this photo. Was a good day.

I like Puerto Montt City because is a simple place, its has fresh air, is very peaceful, and very beautiful. Is more relaxing when you walk for its bay, you can take greats photos, and can enjoy yourself in its pubs. It is not expensive.

I hope when I approve all my studies in the university, I would live in Puerto Montt :)

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


The best tv programme

Hello, today I want present to you my favorite programm TV, was called "Dragon Ball Z".  I started watching when I have 8 years old. It is about history of "Goku", the principal carácter in this serie. He is very extroverted and in his history, he have many enemies against who fight. His best enemies are Vegeta, Frezee, Cell, Majin Boo and other.
I remember when i was child, i just arrived "running" from to school for watch the Goku adventure. When I was a child the show used to be broadcast monday-friday in the afternoon, 6 pm.
I liked (and i like) because is a history combine heroism, humor, adventure, space travels, enemies stronger, and specials powers for fight. Is very very entertaining.
Finally, i remember that one special quality in Dragon Ball, the possibility search for "seven dragon balls" for order a wish, any wish. I remember that with my friends think many thing, and all was many entertaining.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


I´d like to tell a pick that remember many things for me. It was taken about 4 years ago, meanwhile we were acting in the theater work in my faculty, in the theater course. In this photograph appear my friend "Fanty" with a "snake" in his neck, and my theater teacher talking on phone. I appear wear a blue dress that represent a street sweeper. 

I don't know who was taken this photo, i think it was a Fanty girlfriend, because she was the only person who was there.
I like this photo because the theater work was very funny, had suspense, drama, comedy, i think that was very very complete. Also I like because we hard working for give a good show for audience.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

My friends in the old school

They are my best friend from school, about 7 years ago. Their names are Fako and Edward. Actually their are student in the university, but we're still friends and we continue speaking and sharing many things. Their are very funny. For example, two weekend ago, we come together in my house and we had so much fun, we talked about everything, we play playstation, and laughed until 7am. This pick taken that day.
With their I shared many things, principally the music, because we love the classic rock.
In this month, we will gather for visit the old school where we met    :)